in the middle. it was red. i went out. shut close the rear. and it went green. *hornnn*. *aaahhh* lincahh lahh. KFCs in cars are cool. haha.
the category of popular songs line up for that APM06 is what i call a hot artists list. padi, peterpan. too phat!. etc. ahh. aaahhhh. kapankah ku harus pergi. indo bands make peeps float.
pilgrimage went wrong.
alamakk man. u lost.
ada cerita tentang masa yang indah. saat kita berduka. saat kita tertawa. ahhh. feeling it feel it.
tomorrow. habis. help me.
cool it with the call. tomorrow 930pm.
and then they were snapping pictures.
Spread the Peace
macam macam insert here.
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