ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha. somebody stop me. man i feel like laughing all night long. hahahahaha. you guys got sick results man. mof'in inhumane results. its not the F grade. its Z everywhere i asked. diZtinction. Z!. i would like to thank them Zs holders for helpin me thru.
and the results were boosting my morales for upcoming semesters. to the rest. theres one more year bebehh.
ignore me again. im so freaking happy.
ok, when you eat yong tau foo. you put them barang barang first or you put the soup first? the barang barang first. and i did the other way. padan ahh lain maciamm. ahahaha. i hate self service. adoii.
Cheok will have his bash before stepping into the plane.
and Sunday. ill be there.
and last but not least Syim and Haikal for them Law report. thank You. eh Haikal. Chelsea kalahh lahh bebs. kalahhh lahhh.
and they were all in green uniforms.
ehh i want to watch Gubra.
support locals. join the movement. ehh i kinda like the new series theme. majulah stickapura. cool. big ups to 1819.
Twist the Peace
macam macam insert here.
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