so i had the stripping done smoothly(dont think otherwise lahh). when it came to assembling, theres this part(forgot what was it suppose to be) where you have to turn it at a certain degree to have it inserted into the rifle. she told my platoon mates that the part have to be turned at 10 o'clock. i paused for a while and confusingly stared at her and came whispered to her its 4(im right btw). but then she insisted its 10 and i argued back it is 4. i can see her turning red by then. i just chilled and follow whatever she said. i turn that part at 4 ok. she said 10. then came the last step of assembling. she came and snatch that gun from me and pelepap! she did it perfectly when i was struggling trying to get the cocking thingy to go in(i was nervouss). my mates were laughing madly man. malu to the max. mind you there were seniors too. i felt sheity mayne. but i think she likes me(haha prasan).
then another cute cadet girl came in. the same woo-ing thing and the same volunteering thingy happen. and the same me going up there again! this time she had to teach them guys sentry duty. when it came to proning. she kick my legs out real hard insisting me to spread wider. i did spread wide before the kicking started. wtf man. i got myself being laugh like hell again.
the morale of the story is to always raise your hand first. and im an easy target for girl bullies. and cute girls are abusing their looks with their character. but not all of em though. dont get me wrong. dayme.
and that was a blog filler. i got nothing more interesting to blog about.

Spread the Peace
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