on anchored words locked souls/arsenal of rhymes bombards minds with written hearts on lost visions/no poetry to be a politician/grab writing implement so now listen/this mission tore psyches like an atomic react/double by the attack single handedly on stones they accept?/terrorists they divulge on/freedom fighters shed blood keeping on possesion of terra firma they called palestine/peacekeeping forces in the mist crusaders spilling wine it all comes back to the time/from swordplays to gunfights/they all win none/nomad origins on no man's land/lebanon on the spam hizbollah scarce gone/women children in distress apaches no clemency/peace treaty shredded clean on infinity/break the jerusalem wall that is no integrity/confrontation no more we need serenity.
with love and prayers to all women children whom suffered Israelis violence. we need no more war.
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