dayme bishans bus frequency was tad long and i thought i was on the wrong bus stop, when the bus arrives when i was about to leave 30mins later.
its been raining. making mood swings. i guess i hit it in the earliest morning. some breather. wednesday. wednesday must go.
and im trying to be default. same wear for the whole week.
"...for you i wait, till kingdom comes"
and and some add ons:
dayme i was flipping thru deviantart pages. seems lots are beginning to have a head on grafitti. the influentials strong. now, its much more common rather back in those days where its a rarity, i cant find the reason why but i think its because of the colours and styles. time to fill in sketches.
and dang. times a bitch. it flies too fast. and now im writing up back my dusty MP logbook.
they say youtube had everything. and yep they really do. this is one for the old school. its Run DMC! and thats one video ive been searching for, we used to bang the beats during school and do top rocks with it. wooohooo. dayme i would wish to remake the video. the songs cool ish. and those breakers were the earliest to form styles. legends in other words. and btw, go watch their other music videos. <3!
old school rap will always remain legendary.
macam macam insert here.
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