its the last hour till a brand new year starts. do i look like im looking forward to it? ok nevermind. i guess party people are getting wild outside, while me is filling up my big black haversack with clothings and my dettol soaked load bearing vest(it smells so good) for the start of pro term after my few days off from c a m p. actually, ill be going in on wednesday morning but yep just got to prepare myself early before shiet happens. like calling us for an early book in. no way thats gon happen. but hey compared to those support arms. i think infantry guys are quite lucky because unlike the latter, they are flying off to brunei for 2 weeks. on a frigging new years day. so its kinda rush for them to prepare stuffs and such. ok i feel you guys. to my alpha 2 support arms people, all the best and may we see each other in 5 months time. we must reunite.
new year resolutions. hmm. erm. firstly, i just want to get it done and over with for another 6 months and earn the bar. next, i want to do grafitti. thirdly, maintain my very nice guy character(haha). fourthly, do some pampering. finally, i need to save up and control my budget. ok i got other some personal resolutions i wrote, just that the guts is not there to put it up here. duh, of course. its suppose to be private dude.
and today we randomly meet up for a random lunch down bugis. to catch up with stuffs. guess we never really did change especially jean grey. haha. ok we changed a bit. physically. last time used to be about chics and poly stuffs. and now we are like talking guns and weaponrys and training. oh man:
happy new year people. have good days good life sunny sunshine ahead in 2008. i sounded a bit dull. oh my i miss her.
this is funny shiet! hahaha.
what the f! what the f.....! haha.
Saturday, December 29, 2007
this is very bad. not good. since block leave ive been rather sleeping. i find it very hard for me to wake up from my comfy bed. my body. its like magnet. everytime i try to raise my head and look over the clock on the wall. my head retracts back to the pillow. and my eyes shut closes. and it always be a 12 hour interval before i check the next timing. i guess it was the chocolates i ate during christmas dinner over at camp. dayume. im still tired now. my throat doesnt feel so good. and i feel like sleeping again. but no. my physical is degrading. i have ippt next year. which is in few days time. and i am forced to get gold, yes i really want to because additional sum of bonus will be added onto the bank account which will make me grin from ear to ear. i will run tomorrow morning. easier said than done. ok ill proof you guys ill run. ill take the picture of the running route and post it tomorrow. yes i will run tomorrow. i must. ah, why am i so lethargic. my leg is so sore and full of blisters. thanks to the overnight march just to earn that senior bar. anyway, it was a real funny sight when we were presented the three white bars epaulettes; imagine us after a 23km march, 5 am in the morning, climbed up a freaking steep .77 hill. all worn out, legs numb. stand on the peak of the hill ovelooking jurong till first light. one by one my comrades were sleep standing, some even dozed off falling to the ground. the orgasmic faces of them(controlling not to sleep) were hilarious. it was a hard earned rank yo. haha.
still, i have my twos up.
now for this to turn black. 21 more weeks of more hell. wishing myself all the best. "hi-dee, hi-dee, hi-dee, hi-dee who the hell are we? rim-ram, gawd damn, Airborne Infantry!"
why is it that my post sound so monotonous. now for more sleep. and yes please remind me to run tomorrow.
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
kilo november november. charlie bravo. overnight route march. foxtrot. foxtrot!
in case youre curious. im cursing.
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
ill sway your way.
Sunday, December 23, 2007
howdy. i watched kite runner yesterday(divx streaming). oh my it was exactly what was depicted in the book. awesomaticallypower! except for some missing parts. but yep really truly heartwarming. and yes afghan ladies are wow. and with that can i have a lil bit of korean and afghan please. like nelly furtado. ohkay random. anyway, i will catch it again on theatres. 31st january. hey hey i got it right this time. =D
service term has just ended and 3 of my close cliques in the platoon are going off to logistics and armour respectively. dayume gon miss crapping with them. and i will stay on as a foot soldier. and hopefully comission well. and the term ended with a night. i had a night. they enjoyed the night. we lived thru the night.
and the next day i woke up late. late for a swim with them justice league. which i(we) really didnt enjoy much. but its worth the meet up. nice to see em all grown up. and whats up with men wearing bikinis?! ahhhhh.
ok pictures now talk!
6 more months.
some will go and the rest will soldier on.
clarke quay
went for a dip.
yes yes yo.
mr and mrs smith like batman and catwoman.
sweet like honey.
Sunday, December 16, 2007
alhamdulillah. im still alive man. the past week have been living hell for me, and i do not wish to describe even further on that. its a heartwarming memorable highlight of my ns career that i will not ever forget. it truly made me a better man. made me drop on my knees and appreciate life. glad its all over.
ill make you look beautiful.
Sunday, December 09, 2007
firing the mg is like having sex. though im still a virgin. it feels like it. squeezing the trigger and the mg moans with bullets grazing over the field. the sound generated from the time bullets leaves the muzzle makes me orgasm. and if there were real enemies down at the target front, it makes you want to go: "die biatch dieeee!"
dayume sorry kids. i was a bit wild up there. im actually a very nice guy(as depicted by someone, =D). im currently worrying about myself and my comrades for the week to come. because we are having missions back to back plus the not so favourable weather conditions for us to crawl in, dig in and sleep in. rain, mud, us crawling. you get the picture. and sleep will be a deprivation. im actually tearing my hearts out whether i can pull it thru though. just one week man. one week of big pile of shiet splat on you basic. come on. ill be counting down every hour till d-day and every minutes till the point we re-org after the brutal fight over the final exercise. operation scorpion king here we go. lets lock and load. we have a battle to rage. oh my ill be frigging shag even before first burst of fire is shot.
and if im not back next week, tell my mom i fought the war well and tell my lover i did my best.
ceh. haha. ill be back! pray for my well being sweet.
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
"defence mission last order cancelled. moving off to new terrain for defense ..."
the new terrain is fcukd. we are fcukd. im fcukd. =(
Saturday, December 01, 2007
the week passed have been good. not much outfield exercises and stuffs like that. basically, it was just chilling in the room. forever area cleaning and lessons and tests. oh yep we learnt the 'laser quest' thingy that we will use with our guns sometime down the road. which is pretty cool. looking forward to that. so yep training tempo gon be tough this coming 2 weeks. yes, its gon be horror. which i do not wish to worry much of it. anyway the pictures below are some of the little things that i look forward to, just to rid my anxiety and worries of training:
lunchtime with buddies. this is where we crap. a lot.
respecting nature. its good to contemplate life here.
water polo. oh my we are so good at this.
and the buddies that are suffering together with you. the melayus of platoon 2 plus one professor x. anyway, tutup aurat lah. i dont want girls to get orgasmic. huhu.
it feels so good to be booking out on a friday night. it will be one of my joyful night ever. anyway,
oh me goodness. i just got to blog about this. its like words translating to motion. i always had dreamt that the book gon turn to a movie mayne. and it really did. im not much of a movie critique, but im giving 10 out of 5 stars for kite runner by kholed hosseini. and to tell you a secret. i literally cried the whole night after finishing the whole book yo, seriously sobbing myself away. thats how powderful it touches me. whats more the movie. i wont call it a movie, its a film rather. i think ill be the one with pockets full of tissue papers if i were catch it in theatre. oh im so gon watch it. out 14th december. which then i just completed my last jungle exercise. exercise scorpion king.
for you a thousand times over. the kite runner. so yep read the book too. in any library near you.