macam macam insert here.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

suddenly the population pops out to additional 1400. no its not the birth season nor any sex fest 9 months ago. its the welcoming crowd of creme de la creme athletes from all around asia competing in sports events to be the lion king of the tropical continent.

i just thought that this is the best time for singapore to recruit foreign talents, to prepare for olympics perhaps. influence them to our accomodities our ease of education. our medical benefits. oh yes, let the propaganda begins. pick up the best, throw the rest. put singapore on the map. let it be known till the streets of sao paolo. we need people to survive.

politics is a dirty game. my head is throbbing now. and i have no idea why. maybe looking at this photos will help. mmm. no i miss her. a lot.
