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Wednesday, October 21, 2009

so we do nothing. but be prepared for anything?

i bought two books recently, the first is one bullet away by captain Nathaniel Fick former elite recon marine. a really inspiring book of the adventures in becoming a marine. he writes valiantly, influential to every reader who yearns to be a leader under pressure. i got hooked on aspiring to becoming a marine. the words were written descriptive towards army lingo made me all excited reminiscing the times i had going through infantry officer cadet course. now i am being pressurized by my peers to sign on the army and tell tales to grandchildren. day by day i will hear the passing quotes of 'sign on sudah'. very tempted. weaponrys, shouting commands on the field. uniforms make me look hot. higher CDI factor. "Chicks Dig It".

ah fcuk that. its the old time saying of 'being said is easier than done'. go thru what i have i gone thru. i control my life not you. being in peace is in the melayu blood. although i love being green, signing on wont even be my last resort. but when the button is pressed, i will be there when the nation needs me to fend off enemies taking harm on my family and raping beauties of singapura.

oh yep the second book is a word by word translation of the Quran. loving it.


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