macam macam insert here.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

"this issue doesnt make me a bad guy anyway".

"no, you created the bad guy".

and there goes the last episode of CSI:Miami(dunno which season) on local channel 5. Grissom will be back for the new season of the originals next week and im not gon miss the all powerful exhilarating hormones sheit episodes for the coming weeks. ahh since the cable was taken back. mendakk uhh takder axn. by the way, is there any fan shirt for CSI. CSI is madness lahh.

i was pimping my mates deviant journal. and I badly want to watch this. click here for the trailer. a must click. more to emotional passion kind of flick. please fly me to New York. i cant hold it back.

ok back to reality now.

ehh Chelsea will lose. wherever you are kal. Chelsea will lose. lose. yannowhatimsayin'. ahahaha. im staying up.

Spread the Peace

2 Responses to “ ”

Anonymous said...

HOORAY for CSI Vegas. <3

Anonymous said...

yes yes yoooo.