ive brought my gears down but in the end they cancelled it. dilamun kesedihan kejap. and not making it for CCN day(chickies collaboration network day). bertambahlah kesedihan. it was my/our last CCN. no more chicks pimping to our stall. fcuk. dayme. sheit. gahh. pfft.
we had lunch with our supervisor(hes cool; words cant describe him) who drove us up to Singapore Institute of Management(?) canteen which is few bus stops down from Ngee Ann Polytechnic. I thought it was some kind of private institute equivalent to our education. its a university lahh dey. but the peeps aint those grey haired with heavy eyebags, the ones i used to describe univerisities undergrads. plus! them matured chicks. hot. anyway, it was a treat due to our progressive slick ish work. props. ahh tahu tambah ayam.
talking about our SIP/MP. they told me its the very top priority project the whole of engine school. i do not know whether its true. but lets just keep the rolling right. and maintained reputation. and i do not know what hit wan to listen to jap songs especially from Ayumi and that desire to buy a dartboard. ehh that time i saw you with your girlfriend. i waved. but you never wave back. wahlao. i was laughing sheit in the clean room when the supervisor commented that to wan. plus other comments, bagero you. hahha. theres somemore: you think what. condom dispenser uhh. ahahhahahha.
im coming back to school again. i hope theres some driver.
i used to care less but intuition bloom roses in me that turns violets in you when its all blue. =))
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