sheit. my handphones display screen is fading to black as in blank. then at one point of time it pops back normally. and i got no idea how the hell did it do that magic trick. and so just now i was guessing whos calling me. dayme. help buy me a new phone. ehh leceh ahh gini maciam.
and there were swarms of political party(!) members loitering at void decks waking me up at the earliest morning where i had a fruitful(wet maybe) dream. bahh nevemind. i wonder if there were flock of birds came flying in dropping off their payloads. PAP rules with them shelters they built. i think i want to go to school with that stick-up PAP lorry of theirs. it looks cool with those large loud-hailers. Undilahh Encik Ong Ah Heng!, and youll have lifts. why not legal walls. too bad i aint 21.
7-10 year old kids having ol fun in small groups at macdonalds aint a good thing without some supervision from parents. even it does not seem wrong but,
oh crapp.
maybe we'll be off to NUS tomorrow. sheit. and my handphone how?
Spread the Peace
macam macam insert here.
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