dimwit. the heads spinning and im feeling dizzy like crap. dont ask. dayme.
and todays happening:
earlier in the afternoon, we had to carry this acrylic block 25mm thick and its wider than your average bed mattress. it was heavy ish. like heavy heavy not as in heavy carrying your bag. even superman couldnt handled it alone. so he had cyclops and spiderman along with the technician to drag it along to the workshop. spiderman: satu dua tiga, tolak! and the thing didnt move an inch, and im laughing hysterically. hahaha. abehs bingit. it was actually for cyclops project. so we were actually props volunteered to help him.
so the rest of the day, we played five stones using the nozzles. spiderman pro! hahahaha.
i want to paint. im dreading to. dread. dread. i just dont have the company and the money. and im skipping this months bill(s). only if i had a mil.
for now, i need a secondary/tertiary flow of cash.
"pull out forever fold it up in my pocket now my minutes turn to years. for you."
darn i dont know how to put this.
macam macam insert here.
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