i feel real cold on mornings nowadays. good morning.
yesterday, lab went frenzy when this couple were fighting outside thru our very clear window panels. to add to that, supervisor got himself involved. hahha. and machine briefing was tad long. im having cramps in these legs after having no seats and coming late(again) with heavy jams in the expressway.
making people happy is em priority. guess the whole gang wants it customized.
i miss painting. i wish i had standalone walls in my room. i wish Tamara was my wife. hehh.
to me, arabic is far most the beautiful language in this world. much more than french. try hearing someone who speaks slow formal arabic and you could drool on the voice. moreover, them poetry if read, each word rhymes evenly on each line. beautiful. well i dont sound like i fully understood the language but its a major turn on for me.
ana mushtaq ilaiki. =))
macam macam insert here.
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