macam macam insert here.

Sunday, May 04, 2008

im bored. ive been observing so ohkay here are some common pickup lines from the good people in camp. it doesnt really matter if you dont understand. ehem.

"neh! understand"

"jumping jacks in position ready. countless counts of 4. exercise begin"

"down. down. down."

"why never shave. sign 3"

"good morning sir!", "morneeeenggghhh"


"bottles up, caps off(in warcraft human race worker's voice)"

"can like that one meh"

"dont be an idiot"

"senior c!(k)adet"

"order disorder"

"hurry up. hurry up. hurry up. shaddup. shaddup"

"very simple very clear cut"

"above beyond as one"

and the best one ever,

"turnout! turnout! turnout!"

its all the insiders joke man.
