macam macam insert here.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

on the double.

i find myself lazy to write, everyday. there are a lot of thoughts in me that were supposed to pen down. at least it will give me smiles ten years down the road. i have been balding badly enough, the opacity of my head is getting clearer day by day. EID is being worse than a bitch, i need to complete at least the frame to move along the toilet seat. hey at least im proud doing my project, it teaches me something every single time i think of toilets. today was quite blatant i supposed. the weather is getting more or less like Brunei, having mood swings; thunderstorms out of the blue.
i cranked up my running routine now, trying to clock faster timing for the distance. i hope Ford could help with that. the tenth of April will be IPPT, hoping it could top up my savings and then we, Ford and me could at least have a celebration drink. only that ill be having plain water.
i met my 2IC recently, he was taking part-time masters, was planning to pursue full-time study next year onwards, masters, pHD etc. well, guess he's hanging his green uniform, life in army is shiet. i feel you Captain. i wish him all the best. guess students will never ever have the thought that he was a prestigious Infantry Officer. well Sir, hope you become some professor some day, and build some massive weapons for our defense ay?
i actually kinda miss this space. i miss wearing green though. i dont know why this feeling. cheeeeeep.
Spread the Peace

Sunday, March 07, 2010


this laziness is a disease in me. i am so lacking of motivation. the fire to burn on revision. i am left with 8 weeks to exams, dammit.
