macam macam insert here.

Friday, December 29, 2006

dang thats why the internet connection was lagging. and i thought i was the only one when i looked up for help. woo didnt know the fibre optic cables were way up in taiwan. and i think taiwan is the country where you can find the largest number of gamers in the world. thats what i heard though. plus the numerous cables tells everything.


i guess i crapped my caas paper after good old lecturer immedietly sent out the discussion answers which might be wrong and im having high hope that i will pass. .............. i dont have any idea mannn. im too confident right now and i would not wish for the result to come out but only to wish that them papers we did caught fire and and we gets to retake happily with the same questions. yes yes.

medical checkup was funnn only that the iq test is irritating. and duuuudeee better grab all them sales items over at every corner in every shopping malls before the year end peacefully. prices are rock bottom mayne.

and now,
