macam macam insert here.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

too much graphic content, i guess i stick to words for now. lifes been an ease since the last day of school except for them 3 days of dreading exam papers coming up. and i know other polys are having their breaks now. thats crap. and whats even more crappier is that we have to rent out the graduation attire for 23 bucks. duuudddde. is the school tripping us or maybe they cant get enough of the school fees.

ahh. and im sick. and tired. lethargic. this nose is running phlegm. and i cant seem to talk more than usual. guess its a break for me to irritate people with the i see your true colours song. haha. random.

anyway gon miss school mayne. the peeps in cvdcu3. you know who you are. thanks for filling up my boring time in school. thanks for tieing me up on the chair leaving me helplessly crying for kind souls that could free me(i felt stupid k). but it was fun. thanks for the cam whorings. thanks for being my victims of irritations. other than that, thanks to the people of aerospace electives. it was one helluva two years joy ride with you guys making subjects look fun. you guys were great especially peeps from angkatan aerospace melayu terakhir. haha we came up with that. and finally a million zillion thanks to the school for em chics mayne! dayume you shortys are hot! im coming back there for a new diploma!

haha kidding. and happy chinese new year. oink oink.

haram woi.
