macam macam insert here.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

yo jiggas. i decided to stop looking for jobs and start watching/reading/hearing the news. the world is getting so interesting these days.

staying home is not that bad afterall. let me tell you why. because you get free food and accommodation. haha. plus because of google and youtube. these two sites can create a time holocaust. wasting my useful hours with it make me learn something new with every click(maybe not). anyway just wanna share some quite interesting videos and some online games that might help the boredom for a bit. excluding some of them personal games im having right now which tips me off till the early morning.

ive been watching webfilms on youtube, and theres really talented filmakers out there in the dark. this and this and more. and some other webshows i watched on myspace. here and there. suddenly, the computer is turning into a teevee. dont ask why the webshows, i find it interesting. heh heh.

and this game makes your reflex go crazy.

anyway if im really that bored, ill be doing this:

ok thats about it. waiting for national service is so dreadful. but yeahh pay rise. i thought of getting a new rig. a gaming rig with powerful graphics. fuh shiok.
