ola people. im back in action. just finished the posters made for an islamic group organising a kids camp with some help from my good friend AnthraX. simple technique but very cool outcome. kudos to him. aye people its a fun camp. dont stereotype it in different cases. heh. prejudices. bleh.
everyone. just check out this link. its very big and its funny. i know. i would sincerely voluntarily participate if were asked to. its a different concept of advert. very creative. and i got this link from my childhood companion. plantationfarmer. very political minded creative designer.loving his works. hes somewhere in my links list. hmm. talking about the links. ive rearranged them to my most daily and recommended reads. ceh rajin ar.
ok geng enjoy the posters. jangan lupe puase and gi terawih, its a one-month-time-in-a-year experience.
anthrax did the background and fonts. i like the mosque.
Todays post is long. hmm.
Spread the Peace
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