macam macam insert here.

Saturday, October 29, 2005


you guys played infantry before? its just this old-school game i played during my primary school days. its there i learnt shorthands. and its there i love guns. and its also there i started out design. and it changed a lot now. im no more a fan of it. you have to pay to play it now. its desert combat now i guess. "requesting air support". hell yeah im going in. destroying neatly with AH-64. point to note: games can be inspirational.

Idilfitri is one day. What have I been doing the past 30 days?

whats up with pregnant women and dolphins?

watch for more wings here before the 18th. oie commission sikit ar. ghahhahahha.

edited: updated linking under two categories. yeahh. its the elements. includes my close budds since kindergarten. in st 72. kicking soccer balls di kolong blok. and also those who have inspired me in arts or have influenced me in one way or another. batteries not included.

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