macam macam insert here.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

i find it rather serene sitting alone owning the back seat on 39 back home on chilling nights plugging in Carrie Chongs cute voice over the ears(radio lahh) with slurpees on the lips while im half-asleep. the feelings cool ish.


so we will be looking forward to ministers this thursday. crappp. i want to play games in the lab. speaking of that, earlier this morning the power went down due to some technical glitch by someone(lol), and them peeps in the lab were like freaked out; like they cant live without computers. and yep i cant do any crap with no powers on. so with white tees, we went down machining(greasy) the halogen light holder. now our baby looks all good with two bulbs on:

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
yep, the pixels were on purpose due to some confidential stuffs. and its not some erotic graphics.

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front side view.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
we're not pioneers, we're guinea pigs. look out for them in TP corporate video. "ok move back. ok come back forward. ok do it again." dayme.

and some misc group whoring photos:

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
informal, overgrown b*atches! hehh.

blogger scuks with the uploading so im quite off with putting in the rest and the online photo albums in a mess. ill do it some other day. just keep tuning in.

and alhamdulillah, 0 60 was finally optimized. after days of staring into the program. thank You.

btw, joke of the day:

say my name, say my name!

k... k... K!!!

hahhahahhahahhahahha. that crack me up like fcuk. lol. go figure.

ok so 3 september aye jean grey. i got no shoes. boots, all tight. how? and yeahhh spiderman playing. woohoo.
