macam macam insert here.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

i think im sick. i think its because of me gulping down fish and chips too fast. gahh.

i guess people still practiced black magic in this modern world. the hatred, the egos people still cant get over with; they use unseen forces/beings to bring down oneself. they forget of afterlife in which of a painful death and consequences thereafter. ive seen many victims of which the very sight of it are awful. lets just pray that none of us gets by it.

now i understood of why mom nags of me coming home late.

and lol. that was some crazy soccer.

crossovers? maybe mann. i need to do well for my studies.

but for now i got datelines to meet.

and and i think i just saw fireworks just now. its real. real awesome from afar. and i thought its 9 of august today. was it me or was it just some festival.


"im not a guy gifted to anything. other than my parents are just normal human beings."
