i met real old friends recently. one an upcoming officer, another having the same route of education as mine. its been a long time since the last laughs. glad they remember me. haha NS same-same beb. itll be cool ish.
i find myself sometimes pulled back by something when i do stuffs that i am not supposed to. like someone had just patted by back to warn me of something. so today, i had my thursday nights chilled out. nothings better off, i sticked to the mosque to hear some. and for that reason, the preach kinda hit me for what ive done. like ehh? how come this preacher knew what i really been doing. as if its been reenacted all over again.
wa'tubalaina taubatan nasuha. i quit sinning but i still rewind, advise me.
i guess ill lead something good then. i thank Allah for blessing me to be contemplative and realise myself. and i hope itll stick that way till i have my last drop of breath. forgive me.
anyway, salarys up next week. i feel like treating you, you and you. especially you. please?
macam macam insert here.
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