macam macam insert here.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

and its morning, im so loving the breeze. its just so that perfect time to have all things done in the earliest morning; the brain got freshened up.

practically, i gots no ideas of whats to write on me logbook. seriously, i kinda got blank on technical terms we learnt the past 12 weeks, so i crapped the whole 8 hours at school. fiddling with adobe for *ehem ehem*(haha), sketch, freestyle? and some poetry.

what does chlorine do to your eyes? dayme intriguing effect on the right eye after all that uncountable laps. we should do this weekly mann. it felt good.

the morning breeze is steamy yo. fuhhh. cool ish.

long day today. have nice days readers. im enjoying the breeze. take care. Superman gots to save lives.

no more chics feasting, i quit the sinning. screw them.

"for you a thousand times over"
